Bras Cause Breast Cancer! Is It a Myth or Not?

by Paulette Leaphart

Cancer is a lethal disease, and the number of patients of this disease is increasing day by day. Nobody expects any disease, and everybody wants to stay away from fatal diseases, cancer is notable of them. We don't want to fight with cancer; rather, we should know how to avoid cancer, right? You agree with me; prevention is better than cure.

Do bras cause cancer? It is a very complicated question until we know the real things about the fact. At the same time, it is a matter of worry also as bras are the things that women use in everyday life. So we should know the fact clearly.

Anyway, if you want to hear the straightforward answer, I say "bras cause breast cancer'' is a myth. Yes, primarily, it is a myth, but. But there have important matters that are needed to discuss briefly. Just keep reading; hopefully, you will get all the answers to the questions to peek in your mind.

Where Did the Myth Come From?

Where Did the Myth Come From?
Where Did the Myth Come From?

In the year 1991 European Journal of Cancer published a stud where it is said that the premenopausal women who wore bras have two times the risk of developing breast cancer than the women who did not wear bras. In that study, the age of the women, body weight, and chest sizes are not considered. Then the question arises, does bra cause cancer?

But recent research has completed, and the result showed there is no connection between the bras and breast cancer. In that study, 15 hundred women were involved, and they were asked all the basic questions such as their lingerie, body weight, cup size, how many long they use bras, and how often they use, and many more. After completing the research, they declared clearly that there is no association between breast cancer and bras. And now it is also proven. So there is no concern about the relation of breast cancer and bras. But the following section is significant.

So, Are You All Right with Bras?

You know the lymphatic circulation removes the excess amount of fluid of the body. At the same time, the lymphatic system produces many immune cells, such as monocytes, lymphocytes, etc. If you wear tight bras, it applies much pressure, and as a result, the lymphatic circulation is impaired. So, the body keeps the excess fluid and virus, bacteria, and other infective organisms can play their role as the immune cells are not producing. That is why tight bras may produce ill health. It doesn't mean if you wear bras, you will definitely develop this issue. At least once in a day go without a bra. It helps to take a breath of your breasts.

However, you should always keep the thing in mind imperfect bra is not good at all. Yes, this is the truth. You should always confirm that you wear the bra that is perfectly fitted with your chest size. Nevertheless, you never can say tight bras cause cancer. Yes, tight bras definitely have some side effects, for example, wearing tight bras for a long time may produce pain. But there is no direct connection between breast cancer and bras.

Is There Any More Myth about Breast Cancer?

If you ask your friend about bras and breast health, most of the time, you don't get the right and best answer. I don't know did you know bras and breast cancer myth, but most people don't know. There also have some other myths about breast cancer, and I think you should know this for your awareness. The most common myths are listed below.

So, the myths are:

  • Deodorant causes breast cancer.
  • Stress causes breast cancer.
  • Nipple piercing may lead to breast cancer.
  • Abortion causes breast cancer.
  • Chemicals in the environment cause breast cancer.

So, What Are the Actual Risk Factors of Breast Cancer?

Day by day, women are becoming more conscious about breast cancer. Preventing breast cancer, you should know the risk factors of it so that you can avoid cancer in the breast. Some of the factors are there that you cannot change this said non-modifiable risk factors of breast cancer. On the other hand, some are modifiable, and you should concentrate on them,especially.

Non-Modifiable Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

  • Later Age: The chance of risk factor is proportional to the increase of age. Most of the cases breast cancer develops to the older women. Most of the breast cancer women are diagnosed after 50.
  • Personal or Family History: A woman who has diagnosed breast cancer isat risk of developing breast cancer again. At the same time, if the woman's sister, daughter, or mother has a history of breast cancer, she also has the risk. The risk is higher if the first degree relatives are diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Genetic Changes: Genetic mutation within the woman's body may lead to developing breast cancer. These women are also at higher risk of developing ovarian cancer.
  • Radiation Therapy: If a woman has any history of taking radiation therapy to the breast or other parts of the chest, she has a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Reproductive History: If a woman has a history of early-onset (Before 12 years) of menstruation or the stoppage of menstruation after 55, she is at higher risk than the other woman.
  • Dense Breast: Usually, breasts have more fatty tissue than the connective tissue. But the dense breasts have more connective tissue, and that is why the breasts remain hard. And sometimes the doctors advise doing mammogram to see whether there develop any tumor or not! Women having dense breasts are more common in developing breast cancer.

Modifiable Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

  • Obesity: Breast cancer is more common for women who are overweight or obese at a later age. So, control your weight, especially at a later age, to decrease the chance of getting breast cancer.
  • Physical Activity: Physically active women have a minimal chance of developing breast cancer. So, try to be physically active always. Don't pass the time only by taking rest.
  • Hormones: Some hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, increase the risk of breast cancer. Try to avoid taking birth control pills and, at the same time, stop taking hormone replacement therapy just after completing 5 years and reduces the risk of breast cancer.
  • Reproductive and Lactation History: Pregnancy after 30 years increase the risk of breast cancer. No history of full-term pregnancy also increases the risk. Not done yet, non-lactating mothers are also at higher risk. So, modify these habits.
  • Alcohol: Drinking more alcohol is not suitable for health, you know, and it also increases the risk of developing breast cancer.


From this content, you know the myth about bras and breast cancer. Though the bras don't lead to developing breast cancer, tight fit bras are not a good option. So always select the perfect bras according to the size of your chest. On the other hand, here you get enough guidelines on preventive measures of breast cancer. Change the lifestyle if necessary, and be aware of breast cancer.

If anybody asks you do bras cause breast cancer, hopefully, you can explain to him/her now, can't you?

About Paulette Leaphart

It’s me Emily MacKenzie tried to make a documentary film about breast cancer according to the experience of Paulette Leaphart. Now it is no longer possible for some reason. But I’m not disappointed and I’m very hopeful that I can do something very positive that brings awareness to the women of the devastating disease ‘’Breast cancer”. Just stay with me and keep supporting this platform; you will get update time to time and can know everything about ‘’Breast Cancer’’.

Thoughts on "Bras Cause Breast Cancer! Is It a Myth or Not?"

About the Author

It’s me Emily MacKenzie tried to make a documentary film about breast cancer according to the experience of Paulette Leaphart. Now it is no longer possible for some reason. But I’m not disappointed and I’m very hopeful that I can do something very positive that brings awareness to the women of the devastating disease ‘’Breast cancer”. Just stay with me and keep supporting this platform; you will get update time to time and can know everything about ‘’Breast Cancer’’.