How to wipe front to back when fat? Good question! many think the business of wiping your butt is as simple as it sounds. However, what you’ve been doing it all wrong? Statistics reveal that there is a lack of consistent bathroom hygiene. What’s more, integrating the right wiping technique can have a huge impact on your comfort as well as your health. Obese or fat individuals are some of the most affected individuals that find it hard to wipe their bum clean.
Even so, this should not be the case. It is quite easy for your bum to remain clean even when you are fat. All you need are a few tips on how to go about integrating the right wiping technique and you’ll be good to go. To help you on your quest, we have prepared a detailed insight into some of the techniques you can use to get optimum results.
What is the Best Way to Wipe Front to Back When Fat?How To Wipe Front To Back When Fat
If you are obese or fat, the best way to wipe is from front to back. However, ensure you maintain a strategic distance from any skin-to-skin contact with stool. All you are required to do is reach the far end area of your bum’s front with a folded toilet paper, and wipe in reverse from the perineum (the space between the privates and butt) towards the rear-end.
You can use extra wads of toilet paper depending on the volume of feces around the area until the paper is for the most part spotlessly clean. Notably, never clean the perianal zone (the skin around the butt) as this can cause microtears into which microscopic organisms can enter.
Cleaning from front to back is particularly significant for ladies as this prevents germs from entering the urethra (the area where pee leaves the body). The fact is, the accidental introduction of feces in the urethra is one of the main causes of urinary-related diseases in women.
How to Effectively Wipe Your Bum When Fat
How to Effectively Wipe Your Bum When Fat
Step 1: Cut a decent size wad of tissue
Depending on your size, start by cutting out a significant amount of tissue. Three balled-up squares should be enough if you want to ensure meticulous cleaning and proper area coverage. Most importantly, it is critical to remain seated throughout the wiping duration for better access.
Step 2: Reach the area around and behind your butt to wipe
Lean onto the opposing butt cheek and wipe with the middle, pointer, and ring fingers of your left or right hand under the toilet paper. Apply moderate pressure to wipe from front to back at a cautious speed. Repeat this step using the same size of tissue until there is a fifty percent reduction of feces remnants. Reduce the two balled up squares and repeat the process until it is very little or no residue left on the paper.
Step 3: Use a wet wipe
After going through all the above steps, you are now ready for the final cleaning step. Use a wet wipe and repeat step 2 until there are absolutely no remnants on the wipe.
Step 4: Wash your hands
It is always necessary to ensure that you always wash your hands after leaving the toilet. Whether you touched poop or not, it will significantly work on ensuring you do not carry any germs with you hands.
Use running wash and soap to lather the back of your palms, fingers, and under the nails. Scranton for at least 20 seconds, rinse thoroughly and dry them using a clean towel.
Note that if you have diarrhea, it can be quite hard to keep your bum clean. It can be even harder if the area is sore and sensitive. However, that does not mean you cannot maintain cleanliness. You can either use toilet wipes meant for sensitive skin or use a wet washcloth. If these options do not work, you can use a ball syringe o flush the area clean or use a bidet. Additionally, ensure you avoid hot baths. They can dry the skin and make the itching worse.
Bidets are the most recommended option for fat individuals. It is mainly due to the criterion integrated in its functionality. What’s more, it reduces the threat of touching feces. Recent studies reveal that, if used at warm temperatures, bidets are capable of delivering exceptional results with similar effects as the traditional warm sits bath.
Step 4: Wash your hands
The (Clean) Bottom Line
The (Clean) Bottom Line
Maintaining cleanliness on your bum, especially if you are fat can prove to be quite a daunting task. However, if you put into consideration the above factors, there is no doubt that you will experience positive results. You will not only get an insight on how to wipe front to back when fat but also guarantee you remain fresh and clean.
It’s me Emily MacKenzie tried to make a documentary film about breast cancer according to the experience of Paulette Leaphart. Now it is no longer possible for some reason. But I’m not disappointed and I’m very hopeful that I can do something very positive that brings awareness to the women of the devastating disease ‘’Breast cancer”. Just stay with me and keep supporting this platform; you will get update time to time and can know everything about ‘’Breast Cancer’’.
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About the Author
It’s me Emily MacKenzie tried to make a documentary film about breast cancer according to the experience of Paulette Leaphart. Now it is no longer possible for some reason. But I’m not disappointed and I’m very hopeful that I can do something very positive that brings awareness to the women of the devastating disease ‘’Breast cancer”. Just stay with me and keep supporting this platform; you will get update time to time and can know everything about ‘’Breast Cancer’’.