Many normal people may not be aware, but trust me that we have very many people out there who cannot bear the thought of visiting a washroom. Some of these people are those whose arms are short. It is always difficult for them to reach their butt to wipe themselves after visiting the toilet.
Because of their ineffectiveness in wiping themselves, most of the time they will stink a lot, and this nasty situation finally lowers their self-esteem. This is quite an odd topic to discuss, but we have to address this issue because it is deep within our people and societies and we cannot afford to ignore it.
Having short arms is a big challenge

Sometimes back, I found it funny and almost laughed to fat people who had short arms, but at one point in my life, I encountered a normal person who had short hands who explained to me how they have hard times when they visit the toilet, and that's when I realized that it is a very serious challenge that most of the people face every day.

Wiping your butt from front to back with short hands is difficult as it is to speak out about this problem for the fear of embarrassment or being judged but deep within, you wish you had someone who understood your situation and help you wipe your butt well and relieve you this stress.
But thanks to innovators because as a person with short hands, you don't need someone to help you wipe your butt form from to back because we have tools that have been created to help you undertake this important task. We have tools that can help anyone with short hands maintain their personal hygiene with ease without being reliant on anyone.
Short Arms Butt Wiping Solutions

Here are some of the ways you can effectively wipe your butt from front to back even if you have short arms.
Use a bottom buddy:
This is a common product used by people with short hands and can help them clean their butts from the front to the back. With this tool, one opens the mechanism and places the toilet paper on it, and once placed, one can now wipe their butt. It is a great product only that it consumes a little more time.
Using Bidet:
Some people fear using various cleaning products for their own reasons. Bidet serves such people well. Bidet cleans the but extremely well and one can easily clean from the front to the back because this tool is long enough.

Seeking Help From A Spouse or Caregivers:
Some of the people with short arms have accepted their situation and since they find it hard to wipe themselves using various tools and products, they have opted to speak and request help from their caregivers and family. This is a trend most common to elderly people. Even if it is embarrassing, they prefer speaking out instead of shying and suffering silently.
Additional Solutions
Wiping from front to back is undoubtedly one of the best ways to wipe your butt. However, it can be challenging for individuals with shorthands. Although bidets can do the trick, you will still need access to the area to wipe it dry. Luckily, there is quite an assortment of cleaning aids specially designed for people with shorthands.

The majority are made of plastic and are fitted with a handle and a delicate end that significantly works on helping the user to gain easy access to their bottoms. Even so, is there a technique to using them? Are there other options?
Below is a detailed insight into how to go about wiping your butt from front to back with short arms:
Use Of Wiping Aids
The best thing about these devices is that they are quite easy to use. What's more, they are connected to a flushable moist disposable cloth. They are milder and cleans better than the normal tissue. When you connect the wipes to the furthest limit of the cleaning help, simply wipe delicately from front to the back till you're fulfilled. You can generally supplant the messy wipe by simply squeezing a catch on the handle that will apportion the wipe into the latrine bowl. When you're set, it is recommended that you wash the guide to prevent diseases.
Request for Help
In the event that you are not fortunate to get cleaning help for yourself, you should not be afraid to request for help. This could be anybody from a parent, a companion, a life partner or some other individual as long as the person is alright with helping you with your mess.
In case you're fortunate to have a life partner, bravo since they will ensure that you wipe from front to back.
How to Wipe Front to Back With Short Arms Using Bidets
A bidet is a water fly that will sprinkle water around your butt after using the toilet. On the off chance that your arms are too short to even consider reaching, water can generally be the ideal option.

The sophisticated devices will not only ensure feces around your butt is washed off but also give you the complete cleanliness satisfaction you deserve. This is obviously a better option than staying with an awful stench in light of the fact that you can't reach your butt.
Typically, how to wipe front to back with short arms isn't so natural. Nonetheless, with the above tips, it shouldn't be hard to gain access to your butt. Additionally, in the event that you purchase the cleaning aid, it is imperative to ensure you remain quiet about it. Try not to impart to anybody for this is an individual task and sharing may prompt the spread of diseases.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, we have many solutions that can help people with short arms. Wiping tools serves the majority of the people very well so if you are experiencing this challenge, it is good you give them a try. Maintaining good personal hygiene by wiping your butt well is key to avoiding infections and diseases that are can be costly to treat.