Welcome to HumanModes > Toileting For Adults, Handicapped and Obese

by Paulette Leaphart

Let’s talk about toileting.

In particular, for seniors, handicap, and obese.

As a caregiver, I always try to help them keep independence as much as possible. Unfortunately, being one of 44 million caregivers across the states, I have to admit that toileting is the most difficult to manage. There may come a time that a senior, obese, or less—able patients would have struggled using the standard toilet. This is often due to a variety of reasons with mobility issues top of the list.

But toileting is a daily chore.

And to most of those dealing with mobility issues retaining their dignity felt of utmost importance. At the same time, I thought that it is more important to them than ease of use. On my part, these would call for toilet aids to help them enjoy personal independence and usefulness in the toilet. In other words, I did find that with the toilet aids, I would not get stress on having to wipe and empty each patient’s bowel.

In my blog, I also talk on how each of these conditions calls for a different kind of toileting. Since being a senior, handicap, or obese are very different things, I would end up needing specific toileting aid. Of course, this was because each condition has its own unique needs, so I didn’t expect all aids to be appropriate.

Other than toileting aids, I also look at some of the suggested devices and how each works. I try to explore how each features as the best use case for either a senior, handicap or obese member of our nursing home.

Best toileting aids for adults, disabled and obese

It’s a no-brainer that there are tons of different toileting aids and models to choose from. They come in various sizes and designs to suit different toileting situations for seniors, handicapped, or obese. I did find that having a selection guide on toileting aids would help when separating the choices for the patients. Here’s what I found useful on the best toileting aids for seniors, handicapped, and obese.

  • Portable grab rails

Installing sets of movable grab rails are great safety features that are practically important for all types of disabilities. I find these features to be especially convenient if they attach to a conventional toilet. They offer superior safety and support to any senior, handicap, or obese whose even slightly immobile. You can find some of the best support grab rails here and select the model depending on your situation.

  • Bidet systems

Bidet systems are add-on shower toilet units to combine onto existing toilets. These retrofit toileting options are much cheaper and simple to install, even without a competent plumber. Also, I found the range of bidet seats here provide options even for one-size-fits-all bidet models.

  • Commodore chairs

The higher odds for disability among obese individuals is what makes commodore chairs suitable for toileting. These are practical mobile chairs that bear many usable options. For the toileting part, the commode chair only needs enough space between the wheel for perfect positioning over the toilet. Alternatively, a static commode chair makes up a proper toilet support frame. By removing the pan, I found a self-contained commode unit would strip down to becoming an equally built support frame. The general increase in obesity also sees commode chairs designed with particular focus on heavier users. I did find some of these models in the specialist bariatric section.

Now then does this mean toileting for seniors handicaps and obese is improving? This is a resounding yes. More nursing homes, care and assisted living facilities to intend to use such facilities despite the overburden of financing. Still, I hope to help work out to help individuals and care homes to make essential purchase decisions with some expert thoughts

About Karen

I am Karen, a passionate caregiver in an adult’s home for seniors, bariatrics, and disabled people. I have found toileting to be a significant hurdle in the lives of the people I deal with daily, I sought to understand what are the options available and share with my readers.


This is what inspires me to blog on purchasing the right products for the people I deal with daily.

Have you used any of these aids, how was the experience?




About Paulette Leaphart

It’s me Emily MacKenzie tried to make a documentary film about breast cancer according to the experience of Paulette Leaphart. Now it is no longer possible for some reason. But I’m not disappointed and I’m very hopeful that I can do something very positive that brings awareness to the women of the devastating disease ‘’Breast cancer”. Just stay with me and keep supporting this platform; you will get update time to time and can know everything about ‘’Breast Cancer’’.

Thoughts on "Welcome to HumanModes > Toileting For Adults, Handicapped and Obese"

About the Author

It’s me Emily MacKenzie tried to make a documentary film about breast cancer according to the experience of Paulette Leaphart. Now it is no longer possible for some reason. But I’m not disappointed and I’m very hopeful that I can do something very positive that brings awareness to the women of the devastating disease ‘’Breast cancer”. Just stay with me and keep supporting this platform; you will get update time to time and can know everything about ‘’Breast Cancer’’.